Redbit Networks (RN) Custom Training:
Redbit Networks is an NTC (Network To Code LLC) Licensed Training Partner, offering these leading Network Automation courses:
(Net)devops, model driven telemetry, orchestration, infrastructure-as-code, CI/CD, scripting, these are all concepts (with many associated tools) that can make your life easier and allow for better scale - be it deployment, implementation or operation of IT infrastructure. By understanding your business, processes and the people who make it all happen, we can work with you to design & build the right tools for the job, from proof of concept to integration into your daily workflows.
Generic vendor or technology training will sometimes not be enough, especially when the solution is complex enough or the tools and methodology are new/different from what the organisation is used to. We offer custom-tailored training - with initial and follow-up sessions, including feedback from actually operating/using the solution - for a particular project, tool or technology that we designed and helped implement.
Even with the best planning in the world, unexpected things happen, both good and bad. We can help design a tactical solution that's in line with the overall business strategy, but addresses an urgent need - such as resiliency (working around single points of failure due to vendor issues or 3rd party supplier outages), performance (relieving pain points due to changes in application usage or traffic volumes) or growth (scalability issues requiring optimization of available resources).
Short and long term strategy alignment with business objectives is necessary for any IT infrastructure that empowers people to do their jobs or serves your customers. In today's interconnected world, this applies to every company out there and it can be a challenge to figure out what technology to use, how to manage cost and how investment will help grow your business even more.
Writing & maintaining useful documentation is hard. In many cases critical infrastructure ends up described by a mix of outdated docs, spreadsheets and tribal knowledge, slowly decaying over time. We can help create good habits, by encouranging maintaining functional descriptions of the infrastructure as a living thing, supported by succint design documentation to provide historical context. Collaborative tools and mindsets are a critical part of making this part of your company culture.
Worried about vendor lock-in, the (upfront & operational) cost of turnkey solutions, wondering about white boxes (commercial off-the-shelf) and open-source software? We can help you understand what are the pros/cons of going with either and find out which is the best fit for your business needs, culture and people.
Information security is complex and difficult to get perfectly right: human awareness, online/offline confidential data handling, physical security, asset protection, encryption of data at rest and in transit, infrastructure security, remote access/mobility, BYOD, application design and deployment to production to name just a few. Getting the basics right is something we can help you with, as this is where the largest gains can be made and a critical ingredient in any good design. For more advanced topics, we can draw on our professional network to provide the best advice.
By using our domain knowledge and cross-vendor/cross-industry experience, we can help avoid the pitfalls of writing a Request for Proposal (RFP) and validating the responses, also ensuring that the chosen solution(s) will have been thoroughly investigated and their critical elements demonstrated (e.g. during a POC - Proof of Concept) in an environment created after the relevant design.
Network Architect & Lead Consultant
CCIE #43453, B.Eng.Comp Sci, M.Sc. Mobile and High Speed Telecommunications Networks